Entrada na Casa
Toda pessoa que deseja participar da nossa Terreira deve justificar para poder participar dos trabalhos!
Após, ela será designada a algumas funções como: cambona, médium atuante, médium ajudante etc.
Toda pessoa que entrar na casa deve se batizar numa (ou em todas) das três frentes que atuamos em nossa casa: Umbanda, Quimbanda e Nação!
Todos que pertencem a nossa casa devem pagar uma mensalidade de R$20,00, para manutenção e gastos na estrutura da terreira (água, luz etc.). Quando surgir um problema financeiro que o impeça de fazer este pagamento o médium deve, por escrito, justificar esta situação! Todos devem participar também das listas que são realizadas antes de cada sessão!
CONTUDO, três (3) meses de atraso o médium ou sócio será desligado da casa, podendo somente ser assistido!
Quem já pertenceu a outra casa de religião devem esquecer tudo que aprenderam e começar do zero!
Requisitos para participar da UMBANDA:
Para participar da Umbanda o médium deve, no mínimo, adquirir:
Se for Homem: uma calça branca, chinelos brancos, camiseta (pode ter a entidade que rege esta pessoa) Branca! Guia 7 linhas da Umbanda e Guia marrom (do Pai Xangô, que é o guia espiritual da casa). Uma toalha de rosto grande, um pano de cabeça branca.
Se for mulher: ao invés de calça a médium deve ter uma saia branca! Não precisa a mulher médium usar calça se sua entidade for homem! A médium continua mulher! Ela só está em evolução com sua entidade e não assumindo a identidade da entidade!
Para realizar o batizado (entrada na casa) o médium deve trazer em dia combinado com o Pai de Santo: 1 cerveja branca (latinha), 1 cerveja Malzebier (latinha), 1 champagnhe, 1 vinho tinto suave, 1 vinho tinto seco, 1 vinho branco e 1 guaraná. Além disso: 1 pote de mel, 1 Orí (se compra na flora) e 1 pemba azul!
Em todas sessões da Umbanda o médium deve trazer suas roupas, guias, toalha e pano de cabeça. Nunca se deve esquecer suas guias! E nem solicitar emprestado!
Requisitos para participar da QUIMBANDA:
Para participar da Quimbanda o médium deve, no mínimo, adquirir:
Se for homem: roupa social nas cores preta, lilás, vermelho e branco! Geralmente, com raras exceções todo médium da quimbanda deve usar sapatos sociais! Pode usar terno! E todos devem ter chapéus.
Quando o médium começa a receber suas entidades elas solicitam as roupas adequadas a sua respectiva identidade! O médium deve ter guia vermelho com preto, ou preto com branco!
Se for mulher: mesma coisa citada para o homem, porém saias, vestidos etc, nas mesmas cores!
Para entrar na quimbanda o médium deve trazer numa sessão a combinar com o Pai de Santo: 1 cachaça e 1 champagnhe!
Em todas sessões da Quimbanda o médium deve trazer suas roupas e guia. Nunca se devem esquecer suas guias! E nem solicitar emprestado!
Requisitos para participar da Nação:
Para participar da Nação o cavalo deve, no mínimo, adquirir:
Se for homem: roupa branca, chinelo branco, pano de cabeça (que não deve ser o mesmo da Umbanda) e guia vermelho com branco (na contagem de 6).
Após o cavalo saber qual seu orixá, ele deve adquiri roupas nas cores do respectivo orixá! Até lá, deve usar roupas brancas!
Se for mulher, a mesma coisa da do homem, porém usa saia branca!
Para entrar na Nação o cavalo deve combinar com o Pai de santo o melhor período para isso! Diferente da Umbanda e da Quimbanda, o cavalo da nação não deve ter pressa! Deve ter paciência e calma, pois esta energia é uma das mais complexas de uma casa de Religião!
Em todos Arés (sessão da Nação) o cavalo deve trazer suas roupas, sua guia e jamais solicitar emprestado!
Todos que entram para um dos três ramos de nossa casa (Umbanda, Quimbanda e Nação) devem refletir sobre o compromisso e a responsabilidade deste ato! Nossa casa é como um hospital e, como tal, recebemos vários doentes e necessitados que precisem urgentemente de ajuda!
Desta forma, na corrente, não podemos ter pessoas confusas, com vícios, que não queriam evoluir e que só pensam em si mesmas! Todo o ramo de nossa casa tem como principio fundamental a CARIDADE E O AMOR AO PRÓXIMO!
Para ser um médium ou um cavalo e dar luz todos devem ter luz! Ou seja, não podemos ser egoístas, materialistas e etc.
Portanto, antes de decidir se quer entrar em nossa casa reflitam se realmente é isso que querem fazer! Se querem evoluir! Se vão realizar uma mudança de conduta! Para conquistar seus sonhos!
Em todos momentos de nossa casa, como por exemplo, nas sessões, encontros etc, os médiuns e cavalos devem demonstrar respeito aos seus irmãos e ao seu pai de Santo!
Sempre que uma entidade chega ao mundo, o médium ou cavalo, deve, com respeito, comprimentar o Congal ou quarto de santo, o tamboreiro, a casinha (ou de exú ou do lodê) e por fim, seu pai de santo ou guia espiritual!
Por fim:
Quando tudo vai dar certo e finalmente possamos evoluir nossas entidades e por conseqüência possamos realizar nossos sonhos e superar nossas dificuldades?
Isso só ocorrerá quando lermos o texto abaixo e tivermos a total compreensão do porque estamos neste mundo!
Culpa e Desafio
Admite a tua parcela de culpa!
Não apontes os outros como responsáveis pela tua infelicidade,
Mesmo tendo razão, não acuses, nem alardeies as falhas alheias.
A rigor, ninguém erra porque queira!
Supera os teus possíveis traumas! Absolvendo aqueles que não puderam oferecer-te mais!
Todos nos movimentamos dentro de certos limites! Vá sempre ao limite!
Ninguém consegue, sem esforço de auto-superação, dar mais do que recebeu!
A compreensão pode suprir muitas deficiências psicológicas.
Não te cobres em excesso e aprenda a ser indulgente! Mas também não seja relapso com tuas obrigações dentro da terreira!
A aceitação do que és e do que os outros são – eis o teu maior desafio!
E agora terás uma religião para te dar suporte para superar tudo!
Axé a todos. Pai Tito.
Entry in the House
Every person who wishes to join our Terreira must justify to be able to participate in the work !
After , it will be assigned to functions such as : Cambona , active medium , medium helper etc. .
Every person entering the house must be baptized in ( or all ) of the three areas that we operate in our house : Umbanda , and Quimbanda Nation !
All who belong to our house must pay a monthly fee of £ 20.00, for maintenance and expenses in the structure of Terreira ( water, electricity etc. . ) . When an financial problem that prevents you from making this payment, the medium must , in writing , to justify this situation ! Everyone must participate also lists which are held before each session !HOWEVER, three ( 3 ) months of delay the medium or partner will be off the house , but can only be watched !
Anyone who has ever belonged to another house religion should forget everything they learned and start from scratch !
Requirements to join UMBANDA :
To participate in the Umbanda medium should at least get :If man : a pair of white slippers, white shirt ( can be the entity that governs this person ) White ! Guide 7 lines of Umbanda and Guide Brown ( Father's Xango , which is the spiritual guide of the house ) . A big face towel , cloth white head .If woman, rather than the medium pants should have a white skirt ! No need to medial woman wear pants if your entity is man ! The medium continues woman! She's just evolving with your body and not assuming the identity of the entity !
To perform the christening ( entrance in the house ) the medium should bring up to date combined with the Holy Father : one white beer ( tin ) , 1 beer Malzebier ( tin ) , 1 Champagnhe , 1 light red wine , 1 dry red wine , 1 white wine and 1 guarana . In addition : 1 honey pot, 1 Orí (if buying in the flora ) and 1 Pemba blue !
In all sessions of the Umbanda medium must bring your clothes , guides , towel and head cloth . One should never forget your tabs ! And do not ask borrowed !Requirements to join Quimbanda :
To participate in the Quimbanda the medium should at least get :If man : social clothing in black, purple , red and white ! Generally , with rare exceptions all medium of social quimbanda must wear shoes ! You can wear a suit ! And everyone should have hats .When the medium begins to receive their bodies they ask the right clothes to their respective identities ! The medium must have guide red with black, or black with white !If female : same thing said to the man , but skirts , dresses etc , in the same colors !To enter the quimbanda the medium should bring a session to match the Holy Father : rum and 1 1 Champagnhe !
In all sessions Quimbanda the medium must bring your clothes and guide. Should never forget your tabs ! And do not ask borrowed !Requirements to participate in the Nation :
To participate in the Horse Nation should at least get :If male : clothes white slipper white head cloth (which should not be the same as Umbanda ) and red with white tab ( count 6 ) .After the horse know what your deity , he must acquire clothes in the colors of their deity ! Until then , you should wear white clothes !If female , the same thing man , but uses white skirt !To enter the Horse Nation must match the Holy Father of the best period for this! Unlike Umbanda and Quimbanda Horse of the nation should not be in a hurry ! Must have patience and calm, as this energy is one of the most complex house of a Religion !
In all Arés (meeting the Nation ) the horse must bring your clothes , your guide and will never ask borrowed !responsibility :
All who enter one of the three branches of our house ( Umbanda , and Quimbanda Nation ) should reflect on the commitment and responsibility of this act ! Our house is like a hospital , and as such , we received several sick and needy who need urgent help !
Thus , in the current, we can not have people confused with addictions , who did not want to evolve and only think of themselves ! Any branch of our house has as a fundamental principle CHARITY AND LOVE TO CLOSE!
To be a medium or a horse and give light must all have light ! That is, we can not be selfish , materialistic, etc. .
So before you decide whether to go into our home reflect it really is what you want to do ! If you want to evolve ! If you will make a change of conduct ! To conquer your dreams ! In all moments of our house , for example , in sessions, meetings etc. , mediums and horses must show respect to his brothers and his father Santo !
Whenever an entity comes into the world , the medium or horse should , with respect, greet the Congal room or saint, the tamboreiro the house ( or Eshu or lode ) and finally , his father saint or spiritual guide !Finally :
When will all work out and we can finally move our bodies and therefore we can achieve our dreams and overcome our difficulties ?
This will only occur when we read the following and we have a full understanding of why we are in this world !
Guilt and ChallengeAdmit your share of the blame !Not apontes others as responsible for your unhappiness ,Even with reason , not accuse , nor alardeies the faults of others .Strictly speaking , because nobody wants to make mistakes !Exceeds your possible traumas ! Absolving those who could not offer you more!All we move within limits ! Always go to the limit!Nobody can effortlessly self -overcoming , giving more than receiving !Understanding can overcome many psychological deficiencies .Not thyself too much and learn to be forgiving ! But not relapse with your duties within the Terreira !Acceptance of who you are and what others are - here is your biggest challenge !
When you can understand and do it all , you'll be doing your REFORM INTIMATE , AND YES AI , ready or will be ready for whatever comes in front of you in your life !And now you'll have a religion to give support to overcome everything!Axé everyone . Father Tito .
Entry in the House
Every person who wishes to join our Terreira must justify to be able to participate in the work !
After , it will be assigned to functions such as : Cambona , active medium , medium helper etc. .
Every person entering the house must be baptized in ( or all ) of the three areas that we operate in our house : Umbanda , and Quimbanda Nation !
All who belong to our house must pay a monthly fee of £ 20.00, for maintenance and expenses in the structure of Terreira ( water, electricity etc. . ) . When an financial problem that prevents you from making this payment, the medium must , in writing , to justify this situation ! Everyone must participate also lists which are held before each session !HOWEVER, three ( 3 ) months of delay the medium or partner will be off the house , but can only be watched !
Anyone who has ever belonged to another house religion should forget everything they learned and start from scratch !
Requirements to join UMBANDA :
To participate in the Umbanda medium should at least get :If man : a pair of white slippers, white shirt ( can be the entity that governs this person ) White ! Guide 7 lines of Umbanda and Guide Brown ( Father's Xango , which is the spiritual guide of the house ) . A big face towel , cloth white head .If woman, rather than the medium pants should have a white skirt ! No need to medial woman wear pants if your entity is man ! The medium continues woman! She's just evolving with your body and not assuming the identity of the entity !
To perform the christening ( entrance in the house ) the medium should bring up to date combined with the Holy Father : one white beer ( tin ) , 1 beer Malzebier ( tin ) , 1 Champagnhe , 1 light red wine , 1 dry red wine , 1 white wine and 1 guarana . In addition : 1 honey pot, 1 Orí (if buying in the flora ) and 1 Pemba blue !
In all sessions of the Umbanda medium must bring your clothes , guides , towel and head cloth . One should never forget your tabs ! And do not ask borrowed !Requirements to join Quimbanda :
To participate in the Quimbanda the medium should at least get :If man : social clothing in black, purple , red and white ! Generally , with rare exceptions all medium of social quimbanda must wear shoes ! You can wear a suit ! And everyone should have hats .When the medium begins to receive their bodies they ask the right clothes to their respective identities ! The medium must have guide red with black, or black with white !If female : same thing said to the man , but skirts , dresses etc , in the same colors !To enter the quimbanda the medium should bring a session to match the Holy Father : rum and 1 1 Champagnhe !
In all sessions Quimbanda the medium must bring your clothes and guide. Should never forget your tabs ! And do not ask borrowed !Requirements to participate in the Nation :
To participate in the Horse Nation should at least get :If male : clothes white slipper white head cloth (which should not be the same as Umbanda ) and red with white tab ( count 6 ) .After the horse know what your deity , he must acquire clothes in the colors of their deity ! Until then , you should wear white clothes !If female , the same thing man , but uses white skirt !To enter the Horse Nation must match the Holy Father of the best period for this! Unlike Umbanda and Quimbanda Horse of the nation should not be in a hurry ! Must have patience and calm, as this energy is one of the most complex house of a Religion !
In all Arés (meeting the Nation ) the horse must bring your clothes , your guide and will never ask borrowed !responsibility :
All who enter one of the three branches of our house ( Umbanda , and Quimbanda Nation ) should reflect on the commitment and responsibility of this act ! Our house is like a hospital , and as such , we received several sick and needy who need urgent help !
Thus , in the current, we can not have people confused with addictions , who did not want to evolve and only think of themselves ! Any branch of our house has as a fundamental principle CHARITY AND LOVE TO CLOSE!
To be a medium or a horse and give light must all have light ! That is, we can not be selfish , materialistic, etc. .
So before you decide whether to go into our home reflect it really is what you want to do ! If you want to evolve ! If you will make a change of conduct ! To conquer your dreams ! In all moments of our house , for example , in sessions, meetings etc. , mediums and horses must show respect to his brothers and his father Santo !
Whenever an entity comes into the world , the medium or horse should , with respect, greet the Congal room or saint, the tamboreiro the house ( or Eshu or lode ) and finally , his father saint or spiritual guide !Finally :
When will all work out and we can finally move our bodies and therefore we can achieve our dreams and overcome our difficulties ?
This will only occur when we read the following and we have a full understanding of why we are in this world !
Guilt and ChallengeAdmit your share of the blame !Not apontes others as responsible for your unhappiness ,Even with reason , not accuse , nor alardeies the faults of others .Strictly speaking , because nobody wants to make mistakes !Exceeds your possible traumas ! Absolving those who could not offer you more!All we move within limits ! Always go to the limit!Nobody can effortlessly self -overcoming , giving more than receiving !Understanding can overcome many psychological deficiencies .Not thyself too much and learn to be forgiving ! But not relapse with your duties within the Terreira !Acceptance of who you are and what others are - here is your biggest challenge !
When you can understand and do it all , you'll be doing your REFORM INTIMATE , AND YES AI , ready or will be ready for whatever comes in front of you in your life !And now you'll have a religion to give support to overcome everything!Axé everyone . Father Tito .
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